She Gets It Blog

by AmyK

A Magical Question to Feel Lighter! ✨

energy magical questions Mar 26, 2024

SGI Goddess,

Spring is in the air.

Well … here in San Diego. 😉

Some of you East coasters in the U.S. just got three feet of snow! ❄️❄️❄️

But as the skies here are blue and the air is packed with pollen … I’ve got a Magical question for ya to spark this “lighter later” season.

Catch the short video below to help you become even more unstoppably brilliant in business and happier in life this Spring.

To elevating YOUR Energetic Essence … one magical conversation at a time.

Hugs, AmyK


Learn more about SGI's upcoming programs:

Magical Conversations at Work ~ March 26-28th

☝️ We start today & there's still time to join! Replays will be available if you're not able to make a live session.

Iconic Inner Circle Leadership Retreat ~ Aug 2-5th

The IIC is a high-connectivity, in-person Leadership retreat for Women in Leadership who want to drop the grind and elevate their Energetic Essence from the inside out.



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