She Gets It Blog
by AmyK
Hey, there. AmyK here.
Years ago, I attended the funeral of a dear friend’s father.
As we gathered together, the very wise Rabbi reminded us to...
Hey, there! AmyK here.
There are times in life when we are at a loss for words.
And we get anxious that what we might say will trigger rather than...
Hey, there! AmyK here.
Have you ever experienced that feeling when you think you’ve over shared?
Yep, I get it.
Some of us refer to it as the ...
Dear SGI Goddess,
I want to share a true tale from my own mental shenanigans about the age-old battle of the dish pit …
you know, that place...
SGI Goddesses,
In a world that needs your unique light shining brightly, expressing your Divine Femininity is a powerful way to inspire and lead...
Brilliant SGI Goddesses,
Recently I heard this childhood expression that I hadn't thought of in years, and it reminded me of the power of words.
This KEY element in communication is often overlooked in professional development trainings, yet it’s THE determining factor for the overall...
Hey, there! AmyK here.
As you all know, I passionately believe that the life you desire is on the other side of a tough conversation.
I also...
Hey, there! AmyK here.
It’s Valentine’s Day. Yep.
And … I sincerely hope:
What should you do when your team is “quietly quitting”, but you still have to meet your bottom line?
Watch this episode of 50@50 to find...
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