Is it a belief, or just lip-service?
Apr 15, 2024
My dearest SGI Goddess,
Have you ever said something, but didn’t really believe it?
Have you ever wanted something so badly you could taste it, yet … you simultaneously doubted you’d actually get it?
If you’re nodding 'yes' to either of these questions, then this Magical Phrase is for you!
I invite you to click on the short video below and ignite a Magical Conversation with YOUR own mindset.
To seeing it and getting it when you believe in it.
P.S.: One of the best ways to turn logical “lip-sevice” into real life magic is through embodiment.
I invite you to check out my Master Your Energy Masterclass Intensive and learn how to communicate with your MindBody. It is literally a SUPER POWER!
Same Masterclass ~ 3 Convenient Dates: May 22nd, June 12th, or July 10th.
🌟 Use code SGI50 to get $50 off regular enrollment. 🌟