She Gets It Blog

by AmyK

Navigating the "Not Fun" Parts of Transition

emotional intelligence mindset shifts self-leadership Jul 04, 2023
Navigating the

SGI Queens,

Have you ever experienced the “not fun” phase of transition?

Yep, me too.

When we’re in transition it can often be anxiety producing, stressful or down-right scary.

Watch this quick video on a whole new perspective shift I found truly fabulous.


To giving yourself some grace.




AND …this is the LAST week to embrace a whole new ENERGETIC YOU and register for the incredible Iconic Inner Circle Retreat.

It’s a truly transformative Leadership program with the added bonus of being held at a luxurious resort in Santa Barbara, CA. ✨

Imagine being part of a Mastermind Dream Team ...

of brilliant, savvy, successful, fun-loving Women in Leadership, all joining forces to ELEVATE and EXPAND together.

First and Foremost ...

this is a Brilliant Leadership & Growth Training Program with 9 Group Coaching Sessions to Transform Your Energy as a Leader.

- PLUS -

  • You'll Get (2) Two 60-Minute Individual Coaching Sessions Pre & Post Event to Elevate Your Integration of the Tools ~
  • You'll Receive an Incredible Playbook Filled with Proven Techniques & Strategies ~

And we're meeting in an exquisite environment to help you reset & refuel as you learn how to embody a whole new level of energetics.

~ Santa Barbara, CA USA ~

~ 3 Nights Luxury Hotel ~

~ Welcome Reception ~

~ 9 Delicious, Custom Meals to Fit Your Preferences ~

~ On the Coast ~ 

~ Grounding Experiences Such as Yoga and Sound Bath Healing ~

~ SWAG Bag Filled with Fabulous Gifts Designed to Delight & Elevate Your Energy ~

Learn more here!


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