She Gets It Blog

by AmyK

The POWER of Words.

communicating to connect emotional intelligence empathic intelligence leadership Aug 22, 2023
AmyK Hutchens Blog Video

Brilliant SGI Goddesses,

Recently I heard this childhood expression that I hadn't thought of in years, and it reminded me of the power of words.

“Sticks and stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
Do you remember this one from our childhoods? It's ironic, as we actually said it because the words did hurt! We were trying to deflect the pain.
Words can really hurt. Words can also help.
And as Leaders, we have the responsibility to know just how much our words influence others.
In every interaction, we have the choice to take a pause -- and choose our words wisely. Instead of reacting and making a situation worse, we can choose to communicate to connect and lead with love.
It sounds simple, but it's easier said than done in the heat of the moment. That's where the right EQ tools and techniques can make a whole world of difference.
  • The difference between escalating conflict and swiftly resolving the situation with grace.
  • The difference between unintentionally sparking resistance amongst your team members vs. cultivating a culture of resiliency.
  • The difference between being passed over for that raise or finally getting the position you desire.
  • The difference between losing and mending a relationship.

And these are exactly the kind of EQ tools and techniques we'll be deep diving into in SGI's biannual Foundations Program starting Sept. 19th.

In this 6-week transformational program, I'm sharing the exact proven tools that hundreds of women leaders from around the globe learned to even more effectively and confidently set stronger boundaries, resolve conflict faster, cultivate the thriving relationships they want, ask for and get the salary they desire, get themselves to a healthier state of being, and so much more!

As women, we naturally find ourselves giving (a lot!) and taking care of others. And that's why it can be so life-changing to finally take some time to truly invest in ourselves, give ourselves a reset and reevaluate our priorities so that we can move forward in an even more powerful and authentic way.

Over 550 women have already ignited & elevated their lives – both at work and at home. If you’re ready to join me and the incredible group of women in the SGI Foundations Program this September, I'd be honored to welcome you. You can learn more and select your membership option here. And as always, feel free to hit reply with any questions about the program.

To harnessing the power of words ... and becoming unstoppable!





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